Autonomous Security Vehicle (ASV)
Fully Autonomous Perimeter Security Testing and Surveillance.
The ASV is being developed under collaboration with Fortune 100 company Honeywell Inc. It is the first product release from the Stealth Technologies AxV Platform.
The Autonomous Security Vehicle (ASV)
Fully Autonomous Perimeter Security Testing and Surveillance.
The ASV is being developed under collaboration with Fortune 100 company Honeywell Inc. It is the first product release from the Stealth Technologies AxV Platform.
Automated Perimeter Security Systems Testing
- Microwave sensor testing (Purpose Built Robotic Actuators)
- Photo electric sensor testing (PE)
- Electro magnetic sensor testing (EM)
Fully Autonomous Missions
- 24*7 365 Day Operational Capability – Day and Night Vision
- Collision Avoidance System
- Autonomous Navigation Between Map Points
- Emergency Braking System
- Imposing Physical Presence
On Board Surveillance Capabilities Features
- Autonomous Object Tracking System
- Incident Alert Lighting
- Live Military Grade Video Feed
- High Definition Camera Zoom
- Two-Way Intercom
System Integration
- Fully Integrated Into Honeywell’s EBI Platform
- Capable of Operating within Secure Isolated Networks
- Capable of Advanced Computer Vision (Facial/Number Plate Recognition)
Fully Electric
- Lithium ion batteries
- 8hrs drive time
- Fast charging
All Outdoor Terrain and All Conditions
- 50 degrees Celsius (ambient)
- Water
- Dust
- Variable Terrain

Speed: 31km/h
Height: 1916mm
Width: 1170mm
Length: 2400mm
Weight: approx. 400kg
Terrain: Outdoor

Defence Facilities Include:
- Military Bases (Airforce, Navy and Army)
- Weapons Storage Facilities
- Intelligence Facilities
- Command and Operations bases
The Defence sector maintains and operates facilities requiring the highest levels of security and surveillance.
Defence sector performs critical services ensuring the defence of a countries borders, coastline and airspace. Additionally, the Defence sector plays a critical role in the delivery of a range of peace time services, including humanitarian, peace keeping and disaster recovery services.
The Defence sector and it’s physical infrastructure are of critical importance to a countries national security. A physical breach of security on these facilities risks damage or destruction to critical infrastructure, risk to national security and public safety.
Defence Sector Security and Protection Drivers:
- Maintain National Security
- Protection from Wilful and Accidental Damage or Destruction
- Continuity of Essential Service Delivery
- Physical Threat Detection and Deterrence
- Citizen Safety and Duty of Care
- Theft and Vandalism Detection and Deterrence
- Operational Efficiency and Cost Management

Energy Facilities Include:
- Oil and Gas Refineries
- Power Generation Stations – Coal, Hydro, Gas
- Renewable Power Generation – Solar and Wind Farms
The Energy sector has a requirement to secure and protect, high value assets, that are critical to the supply of both non-renewable and renewable sources of energy. Many of these high value assets are extremely hazardous and therefore require high levels of security to minimise the danger of major energy infrastructure incidents and damage.
The sector is subject to stringent regulation given the critical nature of the physical infrastructure that the sector is accountable for. Energy infrastructure is critical to a countries ability to allow commerce and industry to function and to generate sources of gas and electricity for downstream distribution to citizens.
The security and protection of energy infrastructure is of critical importance to a country’s national security. A physical breach of security on these facilities risks damage or destruction to critical infrastructure, extended service outages and potentially public and environmental health and safety incidents.
Energy Sector Security and Protection Drivers:
- Environmental Protection and Safety
- Protection from Wilful and Accidental Damage or Destruction
- Continuity of Essential Service Delivery
- Physical Threat Detection and Deterrence
- Citizen Safety and Duty of Care
- Theft and Vandalism Detection and Deterrence
- Operational Efficiency and Cost Management

Communications Facilities Include:
- Regional Satellite Stations
- Mobile Tower Sites
- Telecommunications Base Stations
- Data Centres
The Communications sector develops and maintains an ever-increasing number of high value assets that deliver mobile networks, satellite networks and cable and wifi internet networks.
The sector is subject to stringent regulation given the critical nature of the physical infrastructure that the sector is accountable for. Communications infrastructure is critical to a countries ability to allow commerce and industry to function and to enable citizens to communicate with one another.
The security and protection of communications infrastructure is of critical importance to a country’s national security. A physical breach of security on these facilities risks damage or destruction to critical infrastructure, extended service outages and potentially public and environmental health and safety incidents.
Communications Sector Security and Protection Drivers:
- Protection from Wilful and Accidental Damage or Destruction
- Continuity of Essential Service Delivery
- Physical Threat Detection and Deterrence
- Citizen Safety and Duty of Care
- Theft and Vandalism Detection and Deterrence
- Operational Efficiency and Cost Management

Utilities Facilities Include:
- Electricity Distribution Facilities
- Gas Distribution Facilities
- Water Management and Distribution Facilities
The Utilities sector maintains and delivers critical services to the citizens of a country. These services include, water, gas and electricity supply.
The sector is subject to stringent regulation given the critical nature of the physical infrastructure that the sector is accountable for. Utilities infrastructure is critical to a countries ability to allow commerce and industry to function and to ensure citizens access to the essential consumption services of water, gas and electricity
The security and protection of utilities infrastructure is of critical importance to a country’s national security. A physical breach of security on these facilities risks damage or destruction to critical infrastructure, extended service outages and potentially public and environmental health and safety incidents.
Utilities Sector Security and Protection Drivers:
- Protection from Wilful and Accidental Damage or Destruction
- Continuity of essential service delivery
- Physical Threat Detection and Deterrence
- Citizen Safety and Duty of Care
- Environmental Protection and Safety
- Theft and Vandalism Detection and Deterrence
- Operational Efficiency and Cost Management

Transport Facilities Include:
- Airports and Runways
- Sea Ports
- Rail Ports
- Road Transport Terminals
- International Cargo Terminals
- Domestic Freight Warehouse and Distribution Sites
- Mass Transit Facilities
The Transport sector develops, operates and maintains and broad range of high value assets that deliver critical transport services across the following modes – rail, air, road and sea.
Transport infrastructure and facilities are critical to a countries ability to allow commerce and industry to function and to ensure citizens have access to reliable and safe modes of transport. The security and protection of transport infrastructure and facilities is of critical importance to a country’s national security.
A physical breach of security of this infrastructure and facilities risks damage or destruction to critical infrastructure, extended service outages and potentially public and environmental health and safety incidents.
Transport Sector Security and Protection Drivers:
- Protection from Wilful and Accidental Damage or Destruction
- Continuity of Essential Service Delivery
- Threat Detection and Deterrence
- Citizen Safety and Duty of Care
- Theft and Vandalism Detection and Deterrence
- Operational Efficiency and Cost Management

Government Facilities Include:
- Correctional Facilities and Detention Centres
- Administration, Treasury and Judicial Buildings
- International and Domestic Border Patrol Check Points
- Embassies, Consulates
Government maintains and operates numerous critical infrastructure facilities that require the highest levels of security and protection.
Government infrastructure is critical to a countries ability to allow commerce and industry to function and effective government to be maintained and administered.
The security and protection of government infrastructure is of critical importance to a country’s national security. A physical breach of security to government facilities risks the destabilisation of a countries ability to govern, domestic and foreign threat incursion and public safety.
Government Security and Protection Drivers:
- Maintain National Security
- Protection from Wilful and Accidental Damage or Destruction
- Continuity of Essential Service Delivery
- Physical Threat Detection and Deterrence
- Citizen Safety and Duty of Care
- Theft and Vandalism Detection and Deterrence
- Operational Efficiency and Cost Management